Cosmetic Dentistry

From veneers to teeth whitening – for a perfect smile

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What is cosmetic dentistry?

U današnje moderno vrijeme dostupni su nam materijali koji oponašaju prirodan izgled zuba do te mjere da je katkad teško raspoznati prirodan zub od “umjetnog”. Mnogo zubnih karijesa sanirano je “crnim” amalgamskim ispunima koji odudaraju od svih estetskih pravila moderne dentalne medicine. Ne tako davno potpuna akrilatna ili metalna krunica s akrilatnom estetskom fasetom bile su zlatni standard u dentalnoj protetici. Moderna dentalna medicina, tehnologija i poimanje ljudi o estetici uvelike su se promijenili.

U estetske zahvate moderne dentalne medicine ubrajamo estetske “bijele” kompozitne ispune, izbjeljivanje zubi, ljuskice, krunice na zubima ili dentalnim implantima. Kompoziti se danas izrađuju sa svojstvom mimikrije prirodne boje zuba, tako da pravilno postavljen ispun jedva da se razlikuje od prirodnog zuba a mehanička svojstva su mu vrlo slična svojstvima zuba.

Nowadays, there are materials on the market that resemble the appearance of the tooth so well that it is sometimes difficult to discern a natural tooth from an artificial one. Many cavities used to be treated with black fillings, i.e. silver amalgam, that stand out from the aesthetic principles of contemporary dentistry. Not so long ago, full acrylic or metal crowns with acrylic shell were the gold standard in dental prosthetics. Modern dentistry, technology and people’s understanding of aesthetics have changed a lot.

Contemporary cosmetic dentistry includes white composite fillings, teeth whitening, veneers, crowns and dental implants.
Dental fillings closely resemble the natural tooth colour, so that expertly made filling is hardly differentiated from the natural tooth, while its mechanical properties are very similar to properties of the natural teeth.

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Teeth whitening

Whitening can be performed either at in the dental office or at home (so called chairside or home bleach). It is performed with peroxide-based materials which, if used properly, are completely safe for dental enamel and dentine. In office whitening is performed with Zoom! whitening lamp, while at home whitening is carried out during sleep by wearing a dental tray infused with bleaching gel.


Veneers can correct aesthetic imperfections of the teeth with minimal intervention in the dental tissue or, if the situation permits, non-prep veneers can be made. Dental veneers can also be used to change the tooth colour and correct morphological defects, such as height and width of the tooth. If considering veneers, it is important to consult a dentist and have a thorough dental examination to find out if you are a good candidate for veneers.

Patients reviews

I am more than satisfied – I used to fear going to the dentist, but Dr. Leon was the one who eliminated my fear – kudos to Dr. Leon for his work, effort, and patience – I recommend this clinic to everyone. Thank you for everything!

Jelena P.

I am more than satisfied – I used to fear going to the dentist, but Dr. Leon was the one who eliminated my fear – kudos to Dr. Leon for his work, effort, and patience – I recommend this clinic to everyone. Thank you for everything!

Marko B.

The team’s professionalism and expertise are almost palpable, you can feel their positive energy flowing, because everyone contributes to the team perfectly. The staff is so kind, especially Ivana – her smile makes all your worries disappear.

Svjetlana B.

We live in the age of modern dentistry where all dental crowns are highly aesthetic. Aesthetic properties of crowns are due to the materials they are made of. Crowns can be metal ceramic or completely ceramic. Metal ceramic crowns have metal as a base to support ceramic cap that completely covers the metal base. The advantage of this type of crown is its aesthetic feature, high strength and lower price. Metal ceramic crowns can be used to restore any teeth in the oral cavity and can be made as individual crowns or in the form of a bridge for any segment of the jaw.

E.max crowns

Instead of dark metal, their base is glass ceramic. Today, they are considered the most aesthetic crowns due to the most similar light refraction properties compared to natural tooth structures. They are indicated in the front aesthetic segment of the oral cavity, it is also possible to create shorter bridges in the front segment. They are characterized by high aesthetics. They are made by pressing ceramics or by computer CAD/CAM technology.

Cercon ceramic crowns

Cercon ceramic crowns are exceptionally aesthetic and strong. The base is made of zirconium oxide, which can be made in a colour that is the most similar to the natural teeth, and the crowns are made with CAD / CAM computer technology. Cercon ceramic crowns are usually intended for front teeth as highly aesthetic substitutes, while shorter bridges can be made for the back, provided all the necessary criteria are met.

Dental implants

Dental implants are used to replace one or more missing teeth. The purpose of the treatment is to establish chewing, phonetic and aesthetic function of the tooth. The prosthetic replacement (the conjunction between the crown and the implant) can be made of cercon or titanium. Cercon is a highly aesthetic substitute and is normally used for the front teeth. Dental implant can then receive its dental crown with a metal base or zirconium base and thus compensate for aesthetic deficiency in the oral cavity.

Are You Ready For A New Smile?